Here’s the official story synopsis: 1940 – it’s the height of the Blitz. A weapon of unknown origin destroys a small corner of Mayfair, and simultaneously opens up a rift in space and time. For decades, UNIT has fought to protect the people of Earth from the dangers it poses, but they’ve been beaten back as the fracture multiplies out of control. Earth as we know it is at stake – now is the time for you to step up and be the hero. Travelling to impossible places, confronting menacing monsters and ancient aliens along the way, it’s a journey across space and time to save our race, and our beautiful planet. Performances are currently scheduled to run from the 17th of February 2021 to the 21st of April 2021, with tickets on general sale from 9am on Thursday the 20th of August via this link. The performances will run three times an evening from Tuesday to Sunday at 6.30pm, 7.15pm and 8pm, with additional matinees on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 12.30pm, 1.15pm and 2pm. Prices range from £47 – £57 plus booking fee. All performances will follow current social distancing guidelines, and due to uncertainty about travel relating to COVID-19, a no-questions-asked exchange policy will operate in which customers will easily be able to swap tickets for alternative dates should they be unable to attend. Additionally, Immersive Everywhere is making available a special preview performance scheduled to take place on Monday the 15th of February at 7pm free of charge to frontline care workers as a thank you for their work during the global pandemic. A ticket lottery for the preview will open later this year, so stay updated at the official website, as well as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages, using the hashtag #immersivedoctorwho. For a taster, here’s a field log video, featuring an aptly named UNIT scientist (five rounds rapid, anyone?) whose ID number just might contain a streams-crossing nerdy nod to Sherlock Holmes, some spiking Chronon and Artron energy, and a familiar piece of footwear… Read more about Doctor Who: Time Fracture and book tickets from Thursday the 20th of August at the official website.